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Disciples Fellowship is non-denominational, baptistic, and theologically conservative. Below, you will find an exhaustive treatment of our beliefs. We’ve devoted plenty of time to expressing those beliefs carefully, and we invite you to read on...but...

We want you to know two things about us right out of the gate.

The first is our confidence in the power of God’s Word. It’s transformative. It’s life-changing. To use a phrase: “it’s living and active” (Heb. 4:12). Therefore, expect to find an emphasis on the Word of God.

The second is our commitment to discipleship (hence, our name). “Making disciples” is the life-defining commission from our Lord (Matt. 28:19-20), so discipleship must necessarily shape all of our Church life.

Discipleship can only take place within the context of relationships. Discipleship is not sharing a meme to your Facebook page, or listening to a sermon, or leaving a tract in a public place. Discipleship is sharing the Life that Jesus Christ has given you, and allowing the Spirit of God to use your life and your words to speak transformative truth to others (The scriptural support for this is vast, see One Another Commands below). Therefore, we value relationships. We value the true fellowship of believers. We value our time together.

We encourage you to explore the links below to learn more details of our beliefs.

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